Lab of Combinatorial Genetics & Synthetic Biology @ HKU

Our research mission

Many disease pathogeneses are governed by multifactorial interactions involving complex sets of genes and pathways instead of a single genetic perturbation.We are interested in developing and applying high-throughput combinatorial genetic technologies to pinpoint novel mechanisms underlying complex diseases including cancers and neurodegenerative disorders to devise new combination therapies. We are also interested in developing high-throughput protein engineering methods to create new toolkits for genome engineering and beyond.

Nature Methods’ Blog post (also mentioned on Twitter)


Nature portfolio’s Blog post



-Establishment of combinatorial genetics platforms for high-throughput screening

-High-throughput discovery of effective anti-cancer therapeutic combinations

-High-throughput discovery of efficient cell differentiation protocols

-Protein engineering by combinatorial mutagenesis en masse

-Engineering of CRISPR-based genome editing tools